

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System (RAAS)


Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

Source: Wikipedia


Classification of hyperaldosteronism: primary vs. secondary
Primary hyperaldosteronism
  1. What is the most potent stimulator of aldosterone secretion? What are other stimulators of aldosterone secretion?
  2. What is the categorization of causes of hyperaldosteronism? What lab test can be used to differentiate them?
  3. List 8 causes of primary hyperaldosteronism
  4. List 9 indications for primary aldosteronism screening?
  5. Which medications should be held prior to testing for hyperaldosteronism?
  6. What are the surgically correctable subtypes of hyperaldosteronism? What are the non correctable by surgery subtypes of hyperaldosteronism?
  7. What laboratory test do the CUA guidelines recommend to rule out primary hyperaldosteronism?
  8. How is laterality of primary hyperaldosteronism established? When should this not be performed?
  9. What are medical treatments for the non correctable by surgery subtypes of hyperaldosteronism?
  1. What is the most potent stimulator of aldosterone secretion? What are other stimulators of aldosterone secretion?
    • Angiotensin II
    • ACTH and elevated serum potassium
  2. What is the categorization of causes of hyperaldosteronism? What lab test can be used to differentiate them?
    • Primary vs. secondary
    • Plasma aldosterone-renin ratio
  3. List 8 causes of primary hyperaldosteronism
    1. Bilateral hyperplasia
    2. Aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma
    3. Unilateral adrenal hyperplasia
    4. Aldosterone-producing ACC
    5. Ectopic aldosterone-producing tumour
    6. Familial hyperaldosteronism I
    7. Familial hyperaldosteronism II
    8. Familial hyperaldosteronism III
  4. List 9 indications for primary aldosteronism screening?
  5. Which medications should be held prior to testing for hyperaldosteronism?
  6. What are the surgically correctable subtypes of hyperaldosteronism? What are the non correctable by surgery subtypes of hyperaldosteronism?
    • Surgically correctable: aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma, unilateral adrenal hyperplasia, ectopic aldosterone-secreting tumor, aldosterone-producing adrenal cortical carcinoma
    • Not correctable by surgery: bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, familial hyperaldosteronism type I, familial hyperaldosteronism type II, familial hyperaldosteronism type III
  7. What laboratory test do the CUA guidelines recommend to rule out primary hyperaldosteronism?
  8. How is laterality of primary hyperaldosteronism established? When should this not be performed?
    • Adrenal vein sampling; lateralization cannot be established on imaging alone
    • Patients <40 years with a clear unilateral adrenal adenoma and normal contralateral adrenal gland on imaging or patients suspected of having an ACC
  9. What are medical treatments for the non correctable by surgery subtypes of hyperaldosteronism?
    • Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists such as spironolactone and eplerenone