

See 2017 AUA Female SUI Guideline Notes

Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
Preoperative Assessment
Alternative Treatment Options
Pubovaginal Slings (PVS)
Midurethral Slings (MUS)
  1. In the integral theory, what components support the proximal and midurethra
  2. What UDS values are suggestive of intrinsic sphincter deficiency?
  3. List 5 differences between MUS and PVS
  4. What are the most commonly used autologous materials in PVS?
  5. What are advantages vs. disadvantages of synthetic PVS?
  6. What were the main findings of the SISTEr trial?
  7. What are the typical presenting symptoms in a patient with obstruction following PVS?
  8. What is the surgical management of voiding dysfunction after PVS?
  9. What is the management of PVS perforation?
  10. What is the closest vascular structure related to the retropubic MUS approach?
  11. How do outcomes in the elderly differ from the young after MUS surgery?
  12. List complications associated with MUS
  13. What is the management of urinary retention after MUS?
  1. In the integral theory, what components support the proximal and midurethra
    1. Pubourethral ligaments
    2. Suburethral vaginal hammock
    3. Pubococcygeus muscle
  2. What UDS values are suggestive of intrinsic sphincter deficiency?
  3. List 5 differences between MUS and PVS
    • PVS: positioned at bladder neck, predominantly uses autologous material, complicated by donor graft morbidity, corrects ISD and hypermobility, can be used to correct SUI concomitant with urethral diverticular repair, higher risk of post-operative voiding dysfunction
    • MUS: positioned at midurethra, predominantly uses synthetic material, not complicated by donor morbidity, corrects hypermobility only, cannot be used to correct SUI concomitant with urethral diverticular repair, lower risk of post-operative voiding dysfunction
  4. What are the most commonly used autologous materials in PVS?
  5. What are advantages vs. disadvantages of synthetic PVS?
  6. What were the main findings of the SISTEr trial?
  7. What are the typical presenting symptoms in a patient with obstruction following PVS?
  8. What is the surgical management of voiding dysfunction after PVS?
  9. What is the management of PVS perforation?
  10. What is the closest vascular structure related to the retropubic MUS approach?
  11. How do outcomes in the elderly differ from the young after MUS surgery?
  12. List complications associated with MUS
  13. What is the management of urinary retention after MUS?


