

Diagnosis and Evaluation
  1. History and Physical Exam
    • History
      • Nocturia be a symptom of serious systemic illnesses including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease
      • Drug effects causing nocturia
        • Increased urine output (5):
          1. SSRIs (block antidiuretic hormone secretion)
          2. Tetracycline (attenuates antidiuretic hormone via decreases in cAMP accumulation and action)
          3. Calcium channel blockers (increases atrial natriuretic peptide, blocks sodium reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule)
          4. Lithium (drug-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus)
          5. Diuretics: timing of diuretic administration should be mid-afternoon, to allow for elimination of lower extremity excess body fluid during normal waking hours. Men with nocturnal polyuria may benefit from diuretic therapy 6 hours before sleep
        • Insomnia and CNS effects
          • CNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate
          • Antihypertensives: α-Blockers, β-Blockers, methyldopa
          • Respiratory: albuterol, theophylline
          • Decongestants: phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine
          • Hormones: corticosteroids, thyroid
          • Psychotropics: MAOIs, SSRIs, atypical antidepressants
          • Dopaminergic agonists: carbidopa
          • Antiepileptics: phenytoin
        • Direct lower urinary tract effects
          • Ketamine: direct bladder toxin
          • Tiaprofenic acid (Surgam): toxic cystitis
          • Cyclophosphamide
    • Physical exam
      • Peripheral edema resulting from cardiac disease, nephrotic syndrome, venous insufficiency
      • Obesity and short neck may be suggestive of obstructive sleep apnea and be associated with nocturnal polyuria
  2. Frequency-volume chart or a voiding diary
    • The most useful tool in evaluating and classifying the cause of nocturia
Etiology and Management



  1. What is the definition of nocturia?
  2. How many episodes of nocturia are considered clinically significant?
  3. List medications associated with nocturia
  4. Which characteristics on physical exam are associated with nocturia?
  5. How are the causes of nocturia categorized?
  6. What are 2 definitions of nocturnal polyuria?
  7. What are the causes of nocturnal polyuria?
  8. What is the potential medications used to treat nocturnal polyuria? What is their mechanism of action? What is the most serious potential adverse events related to their use?
  9. Describe your approach to prescribing desmopressin
  10. List causes of reduced bladder capacity
  11. What is the definition of global polyuria
  12. List causes of global polyuria
  1. What is the definition of nocturia?
    • Voiding preceded and followed by sleep
  2. How many episodes of nocturia are considered clinically significant?
    • ≥2