

Classification: congenital vs. acquired
Diagnosis and evaluation: H+P, U/A +/- culture, imaging, cystourethroscopy, +/- UDS
Differential Diagnosis: Periurethral Masses Other Than Urethral Diverticula (7):
  1. Periurethral Bulking Agents
  2. Vaginal Leiomyoma
  3. Skene Gland Abnormalities
  4. Gartner Duct Abnormalities
  5. Vaginal Wall Cysts
  6. Urethral Mucosal Prolapse
  7. Urethral Caruncle
Management: observation vs. intervention
  1. How do female urethral diverticuli usually develop?
  2. Where is the ostium of most female urethral diverticuli located?
  3. What is the most common histology of malignancy in a female urethral diverticulum? Female urethral cancer? Male urethral cancer?
  4. List signs and symptoms associated with a female urethral diverticulum?
  5. What is the lymphatic drainage of the female urethra?
  6. What is the lymphatic drainage of the male urethra?
  7. Differential diagnosis of periurethral mass?
  8. What is the most common surgical approach to treat a female urethral diverticulum?
  1. How do female urethral diverticuli usually develop?
    • Infection involving the periurethral glands
  2. Where is the ostium of most female urethral diverticuli located?
    • Posterolaterally in the mid- or distal urethra
  3. What is the most common histology of malignancy in a female urethral diverticulum? Female urethral cancer? Male urethral cancer?
    • Female urethral diverticulum: adenocarcinoma
    • Female urethral cancer: squamous
    • Male urethral cancer: urothelial
  4. List signs and symptoms associated with a female urethral diverticulum?
    • Storage LUTS, pain, infection, dysuria, dyspareunia, dribbling, vaginal mass, hematuria, vaginal discharge, voiding symptoms, retention,
  5. What is the lymphatic drainage of the female urethra?
    • Proximal: external iliac nodes
    • Distal: superficial inguinal nodes
  6. What is the lymphatic drainage of the male urethra?
    • Posterior: pelvic nodes
    • Anterior: superficial inguinal lymph nodes
  7. Differential diagnosis of periurethral mass?
    1. Vaginal Leiomyoma
    2. Skene Gland Abnormalities
    3. Gartner Duct Abnormalities
    4. Vaginal Wall Cysts
    5. Urethral Mucosal Prolapse
    6. Urethral Caruncle
    7. Periurethral Bulking Agents
  8. What is the most common surgical approach to treat a female urethral diverticulum?
    • Excision and reconstruction