

Includes 2015 AUA Update on Management of Post-Obstructive Diuresis

Diagnosis and evaluation


Clinical question


Useful in renal failure


Perfusion, differential function, obstruction, effective renal plasma flow

95% secretion, <5% glomerular filtration



Perfusion, differential function, obstruction, filtration (GFR)

>95% glomerular filtration

No (since tracer has to be filtered)


Morphology (cortical defects, ectopic or aberrant kidneys), and differential function

60% tubular filtration, some glomerular filtration




Hemodynamic changes with obstruction


Physiology of Nephron

Source: Wikipedia


Egress of urine from the kidney
Effects of obstruction on tubular function
Pathologic changes of obstruction
Clinical impact of renal obstruction
Management of renal obstruction
  1. What are the phases of a renal scan? Which is the most sensitive indicator of renal dysfunction?
  2. Which nuclear scan is preferred to assess renal scarring? Obstruction? GFR?
  3. What T1/2 on a nuclear scan is considered non-obstructed vs. obstructed?
  4. What are reasons for a false-positive renal scan?
  5. What are limitations of a low-dose CT scan?
  6. What are the phases of a renal scan?
  7. Describe the changes that occur in renal blood flow, ureteral pressure, and GFR in unilateral and bilateral urinary obstruction
  8. What are advantages of a nephrostomy tube of ureteral stent?
  9. What is the definition of post-obstructive diuresis? What mechanisms contribute to its occurrence?
  1. What are the phases of a renal scan? Which is the most sensitive indicator of renal dysfunction?
    1. Flow (initial), renal, excretion
    2. Renal
  2. Which nuclear scan is preferred to assess renal scarring? Obstruction? GFR?
  3. What T1/2 on a nuclear scan is considered non-obstructed vs. obstructed?
  4. What are reasons for a false-positive renal scan?
  5. What are limitations of a low-dose CT scan?
  6. What are the phases of a renal scan?
  7. Describe the changes that occur in renal blood flow, ureteral pressure, and GFR in unilateral and bilateral urinary obstruction
  8. What are advantages of a nephrostomy tube of ureteral stent?
    1. Superior drainage, especially if the fluid is more purulent, due to larger caliber
    2. Tubes can be irrigated to prevent clogging
    3. Urine output of the kidney can be measured
    4. Excessive ureteral manipulation can be avoided, decreasing the risk for sepsis or rupture
    5. Can be done using US guidance with local anesthesia and conscious sedation, eliminating the need for an anesthesiologist and ionizing radiation exposure
  9. What is the definition of post-obstructive diuresis? What mechanisms contribute to its occurrence?