

INCLUDES PARTS of CUAJ 2019 Penile Lesions Review

Principles of reconstructive surgery


Skin layers


Skin anatomy

Source: Wikipedia


Lichen sclerosis (LS)
Urethral stricture disease
Pelvic fracture urethral injuries
Vesicourethral distraction defects
Urethral hemangioma
Reactive arthritis
Buried penis


Buried penis on 30 year old male
Buried penis on 30 year old male

Source: Wikipedia

Male Urethral Diverticulum


Fimosis perfil

Penis with phimosis

Source: Wikipedia




Paraphimosis of four days duration in a 45 years old diabetic patient.

Source: Wikipedia

Failed hypospadias repair
Trauma to the genitalia
Urethrocutaneous fistula
Complex fistulae of the posterior urethra
Curvature of the penis
Total penile reconstruction
  1. What is the difference between a graft and flap?
  2. How long is the process of graft take? What are the 2 phases of graft take and how long does each take?
  3. What is the difference between a split-thickness and full-thickness graft? What has favourable vascular characteristics? Which is more likely to contract and be brittle when mature?
  4. Which grafts have successfully been used for primary urethral reconstruction?
  5. What is the treatment of lichen sclerosus?
  6. What is usually the cause of a prostatic urethral diverticulum?
  7. Which part of the urethra is most commonly affected in straddle injury? Distraction injury?
  8. List risk factors associated with urethral stricture disease
  9. A patient has undergone a urethroplasty and now has foot drop. Which nerve is most likely affected? Describe the sensory function of this nerve?
  10. While repairing a PFUI ,it is observed that the proximal urethral is significantly distracted in a rostral direction. Which maneuvers can be done obtain a tension-free anastomosis?
  1. What is the difference between a graft and flap?
  2. How long is the process of graft take? What are the 2 phases of graft take and how long does each take?
  3. What is the difference between a split-thickness and full-thickness graft? What has favourable vascular characteristics? Which is more likely to contract and be brittle when mature?
  4. Which grafts have successfully been used for primary urethral reconstruction?
  5. What is the treatment of lichen sclerosus?
  6. What is usually the cause of a prostatic urethral diverticulum?
  7. Which part of the urethra is most commonly affected in straddle injury? Distraction injury?
  8. List risk factors associated with urethral stricture disease
  9. A patient has undergone a urethroplasty and now has foot drop. Which nerve is most likely affected? Describe the sensory function of this nerve?
    • Common peroneal nerve
    • Posterolateral part of the leg and the knee joint
  10. While repairing a PFUI ,it is observed that the proximal urethral is significantly distracted in a rostral direction. Which maneuvers can be done obtain a tension-free anastomosis?