

Associated Pathologic Processes
Diagnosis and Evaluation



Grade 3 left varicocele

Source: Wikipedia



      1. Radiographic
        • Venographic placement of agents (3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate or polidocanol, with or without intravascular coils or balloons)
        • Can be done in either a retrograde or antegrade fashion
        • Advantages:
          1. Identify and classify the venous collateralization as possible routes of outflow and reflux
          2. Minimally invasive approach through a transfemoral venous puncture done under local anesthesia (with or without sedation)
        • Disadvantages
          1. High incidence of varicocele recurrence
          2. Radiation exposure
          3. Short follow-up in available literature
      2. Retroperitoneal
        • Involves incision at the level of the internal inguinal ring, splitting of the external and internal oblique muscles, and exposure of the gonadal/internal spermatic artery and vein retroperitoneally near the ureter.
        • Still a commonly used method for the repair of varicocele, especially in children.
        • Advantages:
          • Involves ligation of the fewest number of veins
            • This approach isolates the gonadal/internal spermatic veins proximally, near the point of drainage into the left renal vein. At this level, only 1-2 large veins are present, and in addition the testicular artery has not yet branched and is often distinctly separate from the internal spermatic veins.
              • Despite the above statment, CW11 Table 25-5 suggests that the artery is not preserved with retroperitoneal approach
        • Disadvantages:
          • High incidence of varicocele recurrence and hydrocele formation
      3. Laparoscopic
        • In essence a retroperitoneal approach
        • Similar advantages and disadvantages to those of the open retroperitoneal approach
          • High incidence of hydrocele formation
      4. Conventional inguinal
        • Disadvantages:
          • High incidence of hydrocele formation
          • Artery not preserved
        • If an inguinal approach is selected, the external oblique aponeurosis is cleaned and opened the length of the incision to the external inguinal ring in the direction of its fibers. A 3-0 absorbable suture placed at the apex of the external oblique incision facilitates later closure. The spermatic cord is grasped with a Babcock clamp and delivered through the wound. The ilioinguinal and genital branches of the genitofemoral nerve are carefully excluded from the cord, which is then surrounded with a large Penrose drain
      5. Microsurgical Inguinal and Subinguinal
        • Advantages
          1. Facilitates artery and lymphatic sparing
          2. Low rate of varicocele recurrence
          3. Low risk of hydrocele
        • Disadvantages:
          1. May be time-consuming
          2. Requires microscopic surgical skills
        • Indications for inguinal vs. subinguinal varicocelectomy (see CW11 Table 25-6)
          • Subinguinal approach
            • Currently the most popular approach
            • Preferred in men with a history of any prior inguinal surgery
            • Significantly more difficult than a high inguinal operation and should be used only by surgeons who perform the operation frequently
            • Associated in rare cases with testicular atrophy (necrosis), which has not been reported for suprainguinal procedures
          • Inguinal approach
            • Used when simultaneous ipsilateral hernia repair is performed
        • An inguinal or subinguinal approach allows access to cremesteric/external spermatic vein and even gubernacular veins
        • At the completion of the microsurgical varicocelectomy, only the testicular arteries, cremasteric arteries, lymphatics, and vas deferens with its vessels remain (i.e. deferential artery and vein are intact)
          • As long as at least one set of deferential veins remains intact, venous return will be adequate
      • Scrotal
        • Avoided because damage to the arterial supply of the testis frequently results in testicular atrophy and further impairment of spermatogenesis and fertility
    • Complications
      1. Failure (varicocele persistence or recurrence)
      2. Hydrocele formation after varicocelectomy is caused by lymphatic obstruction
      3. Injury or ligation of the testicular artery carries with it the risk of testicular atrophy and/or impaired spermatogenesis
        • See Table 25-5 for techniques and complications of varicocelectomy
          • UrologySchool.com Summary of Table
            • High rates of varicocle recurrence: retroperitoneal and radiographic
            • High rates of hydrocele: retroperitoneal, laparoscopic, and conventional inguinal
            • Artery not preserved: retroperitoneal and conventional inguinal