

See Original Guidelines

See AUA BPH Surgery Guidelines 2018

Diagnostic and Evaluation
UrologySchool.com summary of size considerations:


See Figure 3 from CUA MLUTS/BPH Guidelines
Special situations
  1. What is the mandatory work-up of a male patient with LUTS? Recommended? Optional?
  2. What are the domains of the IPSS score?
  3. What is the IPSS score for mild, moderate, severe LUTS?
  4. What are risk factors for BPH progression?
  5. Which lifestyle recommendations are described to improve LUTS?
  6. What are potential side effects of alpha-blockers? 5-ARIs?
  7. What prostate size have 5-ARIs been shown to be of benefit?
  8. When should desmopressin be considered in the treatment of BPH? Which patients should have sodium testing and what is the timing?
  9. What are the indications for surgical intervention of BPH?
  10. List complications of TURP?
  11. What are the standard first-line surgical therapies for BPH?
  12. What treatments are r prostates that are 30-80g?
  13. What are potential benefits of bipolar over monopolar TURP?
  14. What are the indications for open simple prostatectomy?
  15. What patient is an ideal candidate for transurethral incision of the prostate?
  16. In which patients should a Uro-lift be considered? Rezum?


  1. What is the mandatory work-up of a male patient with LUTS? Recommended? Optional?
    • Mandatory: H+P, urinalysis +/- culture
    • Recommended: symptom questionnaire, PSA
    • Optional: PVR, uroflow, voiding diary, cytology, sexual function questionnaire, serum creatinine
  2. What are the domains of the IPSS score?
    • FUNWISE Frequency, urgency, nocturia, weak stream, intermittency, straining, emptying + QOL
  3. What is the IPSS score for mild, moderate, severe LUTS?
    • Mild: 1-7
    • Moderate: 8-18
    • Severe: 19-35
  4. What are risk factors for BPH progression?
    1. Age
    2. PSA
    3. LUTS severity
    4. Prostate volume
  5. Which lifestyle recommendations are described to improve LUTS?
    1. Fluid restriction particularly prior to bedtime
    2. Avoidance of caffeinated beverages, spicy foods
    3. Avoidance/monitoring of some drugs (e.g., diuretics, decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants)
    4. Timed or organized voiding (bladder retraining)
    5. Pelvic floor exercises
    6. Avoidance or treatment of constipation
  6. What are potential side effects of alpha-blockers? 5-ARIs?
    • Alpha-blockers (5): retrograde ejaculation, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, priapism
    • 5-ARIs (4): erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, ejaculatory dysfunction, gynecomastia
  7. What prostate size have 5-ARIs been shown to be of benefit?
    • >30g
  8. When should desmopressin be considered in the treatment of BPH? Which patients should have sodium testing and what is the timing?
    • In men with nocturia secondary to nocturnal polyuria
    • All men taking melts and men age ≥ 65 taking disintegrating tablets
  9. What are the indications for surgical intervention of BPH?
    1. Recurrent or refractory urinary retention
    2. Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
    3. Bladder stones
    4. Recurrent hematuria
    5. Renal dysfunction secondary to BPH
    6. Symptom deterioration despite medical therapy
    7. Patient preference
    • The presence of a bladder diverticulum is not an absolute indication for surgery unless associated with recurrent UTI or progressive bladder dysfunction
  10. List complications of TURP?
    • Intra-operative: bleeding, perforation, TUR syndrome, infection,
    • Early post-operative: urinary retention, retrograde ejaculation, incontinence
    • Late post-operative: failure to improve symptoms, bladder neck contracture, urethral stricture
  11. What are the standard first-line surgical therapies for BPH?
    1. Monopolar TURP
    2. Bipolar TURP
  12. What treatments are r prostates that are 30-80g?
    1. Monopolar TURP
    2. Bipolar TURP
    3. Greenlight PVP
    4. HoLEP
    5. BPKVP
    6. Thulium laser
    7. Diode laser
    8. Urolift
    9. Rezum
    10. TUMT
    11. Aquablation
  13. What are potential benefits of bipolar over monopolar TURP?
    1. Reduction in the risk of dilutional hyponatremia (TUR syndrome)
    2. Improvements in intraoperative visibility
    3. May result in shorter catheterization times
  14. What are the indications for open simple prostatectomy?
    1. Moderate to severe LUTS with prostate size > 80
    2. Undergoing concomitant bladder procedure (e.g. diverticulectomy)
    3. Unable to be put in dorsal lithotomy position (e.g. severe hip disease)
  15. What patient is an ideal candidate for transurethral incision of the prostate?
    • Prostate volume <30 cc without a middle lobe and interested in preserving ejaculatory dysfunction
  16. In which patients should a Uro-lift be considered? Rezum?
    • Uro-lift: Men interested in preserving ejaculatory function with prostate <80 and no median lobe
    • Rezum: Men interested in preserving ejaculatory function with prostate <80 with or without