

See Male SUI Surgery Chapter Notes

Pre-treatment Counselling
Diagnosis and evaluation of IPT
Management of IPT
Special Situations
  1. What is the guideline-based definition of urinary continence?
  2. What are risk factors for incontinence after RP?
  3. When are patients expected to achieve their maximum continence after RP?
  4. What is the workup for a patient presenting with incontinence after RP?
  5. What are non-surgical/surgical treatment options for IPT?
  6. When should surgical intervention be performed in a patient with bothersome incontinence after RP?
  7. Are any investigations needed prior to surgical intervention for incontinence after RP?
  8. What is the management of AUS cuff erosion?
  9. Which surgical treatment is preferred in patients with previous history of pelvic radiation?
  10. What are potential causes for persistent incontinence after surgical treatment?
  11. A patient previously treated with sling for incontinence after RP has persistent bothersome incontinence. What is the next treatment?
  1. What is the guideline-based definition of urinary continence?
    • Not requiring a pad or protective device to stay dry (pad-free)
  2. What are risk factors for incontinence after RP?
    1. Older age
    2. Larger prostate size
    3. Shorter membranous urethral length
    4. Preservation of NVB at time of RP
  3. When are patients expected to achieve their maximum continence after RP?
    • 12 months
  4. What is the workup for a patient presenting with incontinence after RP?
    • H+P +/- PVR [likely U/A, though not mentioned in guidelines]
  5. What are non-surgical/surgical treatment options for IPT?
    1. Non-surgical: PFMT/PFME +/- penile compression devices, pads, condom catheter, urethral catheter
    2. Surgical: bulking agents, inflatable-balloon devices, male sling, AUS
  6. When should surgical intervention be performed in a patient with bothersome incontinence after RP?
    • 12 months, unless patient prefers to be done at 6
  7. Are any investigations needed prior to surgical intervention for incontinence after RP?
    1. Objective confirmation of SUI
    2. Cystourethroscopy
  8. What is the management of AUS cuff erosion?
    • AUS explant with urethral catheter left in place for a few weeks; AUS should not be reimplanted for 3 months
  9. Which surgical treatment is preferred in patients with previous history of pelvic radiation?
    • AUS
  10. What are potential causes for persistent incontinence after surgical treatment?
    1. Patient self-deactivating device
    2. Fluid loss from system
    3. Urethral atrophy
    4. OAB
  11. A patient previously treated with sling for incontinence after RP has persistent bothersome incontinence. What is the next treatment?
    • AUS