

See AUA Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines 2017

Diagnosis and Evaluation



Special scenarios
Follow-up and Quality-of-Life
Supportive and Palliative Care
Questions (includes 2017 AUA MIBC Guidelines content)
  1. Based on the control arms of trials evaluating NAC in MIBC, what is the approximate pT0 rate in patients undergoing RC without NAC?
  2. What are the recommended chemotherapy regimen options for NAC?
  3. BONUS: describe SWOG 8710
  4. What are the components of MVAC?
  5. What is the mechanism of action of gemcitabine? Cisplatin?
  6. What toxicities are associated with cisplatin?
  7. What is the OS benefit of NAC?
  8. What are the absolute contraindications to NAC? Relative?
  9. What is the preferred management of patients with contraindications to NAC?
  10. A patient agrees to undergo NAC with GC. When will you see them next in follow-up?
  11. When should a patient undergo radical cystectomy after receiving NAC?
  12. If a patient does not receive NAC, who should be referred for adjuvant chemotherapy?
  13. If a patient does not receive NAC, when should the cystectomy be done in relation to timing of the TURBT?
  14. What are the indications for a urethrectomy as per the CUA MIBC guidelines?
  15. As per the CUA MIBC guidelines, what patients are ideal for TMT?
  16. What are the ideal characteristics to consider partial cystectomy in MIBC?
  17. As per the AUA MIBC guidelines, what are the absolute contraindications to a continent diversion?
  18. What are the most common sites of metastasis?
  19. As per the AUA MIBC guidelines, which laboratory investigations should be ordered during the follow-up of a patient treated for MIBC?


  1. Based on the control arms of trials evaluating NAC in MIBC, what is the approximate pT0 rate in patients undergoing RC without NAC?
    • 15%
  2. What are the recommended chemotherapy regimen options for NAC?
    • 3 recommended chemotherapy options for NAC in MIBC:
      1. Gemcitabine-cisplatin
      2. MVAC
      3. ddMVAC (dose-dense MVAC)
  3. BONUS: describe SWOG 8710
    • SWOG 8710 randomized approximately 300 patients to MVAC vs. RC alone and found a 14% benefit in OS at 5-years, but did not reach statistical significance (p=0.06)
  4. What are the components of MVAC?
    • Methotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin, cisplatin
  5. What is the mechanism of action of gemcitabine? Cisplatin?
    • Gemcitabine: pyrimidine antagonist
    • Cisplatin: alkylating agent
  6. What toxicities are associated with cisplatin?
    • The main 4 toxicities (related to contraindications) associated with cisplatin and include:
      1. Nephrotoxicity
      2. Ototoxiciy
      3. Neurotoxicity
      4. Diminished cardiac
  7. What is the OS benefit of NAC?
    • 5% at 5 years
  8. What are the absolute contraindications to NAC? Relative?
    • 6 absolute contraindications to NAC in MIBC:
      1. eGFR < 50
      2. Heart failure (NYHA III or IV)
      3. ≥grade 2 neuropathy
      4. ≥grade 2 hearing impairment
      5. Untreated infection
      6. ECOG ≥2
    • 2 relative contraindications to NAC in MIBC:
      1. eGFR 50-60
      2. history of recurrent infection or concomitant immunosuppresion
  9. What is the preferred management of patients with contraindications to NAC?
    • Radical local therapy, carboplatin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy should not be prescribe for clinically resectable stage cT2-T4aN0 bladder cancer
  10. A patient agrees to undergo NAC with GC. When will you see them next in follow-up?
    • After 2 of the 4 cycles with a CT scan to evaluate response to treatment
  11. When should a patient undergo radical cystectomy after receiving NAC?
    • CUA says within 4-6 weeks and before 10 weeks after completing NAC
    • AUA says within 6-8 weeks and before 4 months of completing NAC
  12. If a patient does not receive NAC, who should be referred for adjuvant chemotherapy?
    • pT3+ or N+ disease
  13. If a patient does not receive NAC, when should the cystectomy be done in relation to timing of the TURBT?
    • Within 6 weeks of TURBT
  14. What are the indications for a urethrectomy as per the CUA MIBC guidelines?
    • 4 indications for urethrectomy:
      1. Positive urethral margin
      2. Men with HG or invasive urothelial carcinoma distal to prostatic urethra
      3. Men with suspected prostatic urethral stromal involvement
      4. Women with bladder neck tumours
  15. As per the CUA MIBC guidelines, what patients are ideal for TMT?
    • Ideal patients for TMT have 5 characteristics:
      1. Small (<5cm) tumour
      2. No CIS
      3. No hydronephrosis
      4. Good baseline bladder function
      5. Patient motivated for bladder preservation
  16. What are the ideal characteristics to consider partial cystectomy in MIBC?
    • There are 6 characteristics considered ideal for partial cystectomy:
      1. Solitary tumour
      2. Small (<2cm) tumour
      3. Dome location
      4. No CIS
      5. No hydronephrosis
      6. Good bladder capacity
  17. As per the AUA MIBC guidelines, what are the absolute contraindications to a continent diversion?
    1. Insufficient bowel segment length
    2. Inadequate motor function or psychological issues that limit the ability to perform self-catheterization
    3. Inadequate renal or hepatic function that increases the risk metabolic abnormalities as a consequence of reabsorption of urine from continent diversions (e.g. an eGFR < 45)
    4. Cancer at the urethral margin (specifically for orthotopic neobladder)
    5. Significant urethral stricture disease that is not correctable
  18. What are the most common sites of metastasis?
    • Bone, liver, lungs
  19. As per the AUA MIBC guidelines, which laboratory investigations should be ordered during the follow-up of a patient treated for MIBC?
    • Electrolytes, Cr, and vitamin B12