

See Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Chapter Notes

Risk Stratification





Low risk

  • Primary, solitary, TaLG, and <3cm OR
  • Primary, solitary, TaLG, and <3cm OR

Intermediate risk

  • Solitary, TaLG and ≥3cm OR
  • Multifocal (TaLG <3cm) OR
  • Multi-recurrent TaLG
    • Substratification based on number of risk factors (4): multiple tumours, ≥3cm, time to recurrence (<1 year), and frequency of recurrence (>1 / year)
      • Low-intermediate-risk: 0 factors – consider treating as low-risk patients
      • Intermediate-risk: 1-2 factors
      • High-intermediate-risk: ≥3 factors – consider treating as high-risk patients
  • Primary, solitary, TaHG, and <3 cm
    • Consider treating as high-risk patients
  • Solitary TaLG >3cm OR
  • Multifocal TaLG OR
  • TaLG recurrence within 1 year
  • TaHG ≤3cm
  • T1LG


High risk

  • T1 OR
  • CIS OR
  • Recurrent, or multiple, or ≥3cm TaHG
  • Very high-risk:
    • T1HG + any of (4):
      1. Multiple and ≥ 3cm
      2. Presence of concurrent CIS (in the bladder or prostatic urethra)
      3. Presence of LVI
      4. Variant histology (e.g., micropapillary, plasmacytoid, sarcomatoid, neuroendocrine)
  • T1HG
  • Any recurrent TaHG
  • TaHG >3cm or multifocal
  • Any CIS
  • Any BCG failure in HG patient
  • Any variant histology
  • Any LVI
  • Any HG prostatic urethral involvement
Enhanced cystoscopy
NMIBC with variant histology
Restaging TURBT
    1. More accurate staging (identification of occult muscle-invasive disease)
      • Re-TURBT results in upstaging rates of
        • pTa: 0.4%
        • pT1: 8%
    2. Improves patient selection (and thus response) to BCG therapy
    3. Improves outcomes
      1. pTa: lower rates of recurrence, but not progression
      2. pT1: lower rates of progression and overall mortality, with additional trend for lower cancer-specific mortality
Post-operative instillation of intravesical chemotherapy
Adjuvant treatment (beyond immediate instillation of intravesical chemotherapy)
BCG toxicity and management
BCG failure classification
Management of BCG-unresponsive NMIBC
Treatment adjustments only if BCG shortage (2021 CUA NMIBC Guidelines)
Indications for cystectomy in NMIBC
Special scenarios
Random bladder biopsies (2021 CUA NMIBC Guidelines)
Prostatic urethral involvement (2021 CUA NMIBC Guidelines)
Positive cytology (2016 AUA NMIBC Guidelines)
Questions (includes 2016 AUA NMIBC Guidelines and NMIBC Chapter Notes content)
  1. What is the CUA risk classification of NMIBC?
  2. What proportion of patients with bladder cancer present with NMIBC?
  3. What is the stage breakdown in patients presenting with NMIBC?
  4. What proportion of patients with NMIBC progress to MIBC?
  5. What methods of enhanced cystoscopy are used in NMIBC
  6. What are the indications for re-staging TUR?
  7. Which patients should receive post-operative intravesical mitomycin C?
  8. What are the contraindications to post-operative intravesical mitomycin C?
  9. When should adjuvant treatment be given in NMIBC? Describe the treatment regimen.
  10. What are the treatment options in a patient with NMIBC that has BCG relapse?
  11. What are the indications for timely cystectomy in NMIBC?
  12. When is prostatic urethral biopsy recommended?
  13. Which genetic abnormalities are associated with low vs. high-malignant potential of NMIBC
  14. What techniques can be used to reduce the risk of an obturator reflex during TURBT?
  15. Which methods can optimize MMC administration?


  1. What is the CUA risk classification of NMIBC?
    1. Low-risk:
      • Solitary, TaLG, and <3cm
    2. Intermediate-risk:
      • Solitary, TaLG and >3cm OR
      • Multifocal (TaLG <3cm) OR
      • Multi-recurrent TaLG
    3. High-risk:
      • T1 OR
      • CIS OR
      • HG OR
      • >3cm AND multifocal AND multi-recurrent TaLG
  2. What proportion of patients with bladder cancer present with NMIBC?
    • ≈80%
  3. What is the stage breakdown in patients presenting with NMIBC?
    • Ta: 60%
    • T1: 30%
    • CIS: 10%
  4. What proportion of patients with NMIBC progress to MIBC?
    • ≈20%
  5. What methods of enhanced cystoscopy are used in NMIBC
    1. Blue light
    2. Narrow bang
  6. What are the indications for re-staging TUR?
    • CUA absolute: incomplete resection and T1 without muscle
    • CUA relative: any HG lesion and T1 with benign muscle
  7. Which patients should receive post-operative intravesical mitomycin C?
    • All patients unless contraindicated
  8. What are the contraindications to post-operative intravesical mitomycin C?
    1. Extensive resection
    2. Suspected perforation
    3. Significant bleeding requiring bladder irrigation
  9. When should adjuvant treatment be given in NMIBC? Describe the treatment regimen.
  10. What are the treatment options in a patient with NMIBC that has BCG relapse?
    1. Clinical trial
    2. Radical cystectomy
    3. BCG plus interferon
    4. Intravesical gemcitabine
    5. Re-induction with BCG (more than 2 BCG induction courses is not recommended)
    6. Intravesical valrubicin, docetaxel
  11. What are the indications for timely cystectomy in NMIBC?
    1. T1HG with:
      1. variant histology (micropapillary, sarcomatoid, plasmacytoid, or small cell)
      2. LVI
      3. concomitant bladder/prostatic CIS
    2. Persistent T1HG on restaging TUR
    3. Multiple and/or large T1HG
    4. HG recurrence at 3 months
    5. Invasive tumours involving bladder diverticula
  12. When is prostatic urethral biopsy recommended?
    1. Tumour in bladder neck
    2. Extensive bladder CIS
    3. Tumour visible in prostatic urethra
    4. Positive cytology with normal bladder
  13. Which genetic abnormalities are associated with low vs. high-malignant potential of NMIBC
    • Low: chromosome-9, FGFR-3
    • High: TP53, RB
  14. What techniques can be used to reduce the risk of an obturator reflex during TURBT?
  15. Which methods can optimize MMC administration?
    1. Dehydration prior to administration
    2. Emptying bladder prior to administration
    3. Increasing concentration
    4. Alkalinizing urine