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- AUA: Advanced Prostate Cancer (2023)
- AUA: Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer (2017)
- AUA: Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer (2022)
- AUA: Cryptorchidism (2018)
- AUA: Early Detection of Prostate Cancer (2023)
- AUA: Evaluation and Medical Management of Stones (2019)
- AUA: Female SUI (2017)
- AUA: Female SUI (2023)
- AUA: Incontinence after Prostate Therapy (2019)
- AUA: Interstitial Cystitis & Bladder Pain Syndrome (2022)
- AUA: Male Urethral Stricture (2016)
- AUA: Management of LUTS Attributed to BPH (2021)
- AUA: Neurogenic LUTD (2021)
- AUA: Overactive Bladder (2019)
- AUA: Prostate Cancer Screening (2018)
- AUA: Stone Surgery (2016)
- AUA: Surgical Management of LUTS due to BPH (2018)
- AUA: Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (2023)
- AUA: Urethral Stricture Disease (2023)
- AUA: Urotrauma (2020)
- AUA: Vesicoureteral Reflux (2017)
- AUA & ASCO & ASTRO & SUO: Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (2020)
- AUA & ASCO & ASTRO & SUO: Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (2024)
- AUA & ASTRO & SUO: Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer (2022)
- AUA & ASTRO & SUO: Salvage Therapy for Prostate Cancer (2024)
- AUA & CUA: Erectile Dysfunction (2021 CUA, 2018 AUA)
- AUA & CUA: Vasectomy (AUA 2015, CUA 2016)
- AUA & CUA: Vasectomy (AUA 2015, CUA 2022)
- AUA & CUA Mesh Position Statement (2019)
- AUA & CUA Recurrent UTI (2019)
- Abdominal Wall
- Acute Scrotum
- Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy After Prostatectomy (2019)
- Adrenal: Benign Tumours
- Adrenal: Hyperaldosteronism
- Adrenal: Malignant Tumours
- Adrenal: Pheochromocytoma
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Adrenals
- Advanced Prostate Cancer (2020 AUA Guidelines)
- Advanced Prostate Cancer (2023 AUA Guidelines)
- Anatomy: Groin and Inguinal
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis
- Bacteruria in Pregnancy
- Benign Bladder Tumours
- Benign Kidney Tumours
- Biochemical Recurrence
- Bladder
- Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Evaluation
- Bladder Cancer: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
- Bladder Cancer: Pathology
- Bladder Cancer: Pathology and TNM Staging
- Bladder Cancer: TNM Staging
- Bladder Diverticulae
- Bladder and Testis Oncology
- CUA/AUA: Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (2021 CUA/2016 AUA))
- CUA: Adrenal Mass (2011)
- CUA: Advanced and Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (2019)
- CUA: Androgen Deprivation Therapy: Adverse Events & Management (2021)
- CUA: Antenatal hydronephrosis (2017)
- CUA: Antibiotic Prophylaxis (2015)
- CUA: Asymptomatic Microscopic Hematuria (2008)
- CUA: Azoospermia (2015)
- CUA: Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer (2021)
- CUA: Chronic Scrotal Pain (2018)
- CUA: Circumcision (2018)
- CUA: Cryptorchidism (2017)
- CUA: Cystic Renal Lesions (2017)
- CUA: Evaluation and Medical Management of Stones (2016)
- CUA: Follow-up Localized RCC (2018)
- CUA: Interstitial Cystitis (2016)
- CUA: Male LUTS & BPH (2018)
- CUA: Metastatic Castration-naive and Castration-sensitive Prostate Cancer (2020)
- CUA: Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney in the Neonate (2015)
- CUA: Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (2019)
- CUA: Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction (2019)
- CUA: Overactive Bladder (2017)
- CUA: Peyronie's Disease (2018)
- CUA: Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (2015)
- CUA: Prostate Cancer Screening (2017)
- CUA: RCC Genetic Screening (2013)
- CUA: Radiation-induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis (2018)
- CUA: Small Renal Masses (2015)
- CUA: Surgical Management of RCC (2014)
- CUA: Testosterone Suppression (2018)
- CUA: Ureteral Calculi (2015)
- CUA: VTE Prophylaxis (2019)
- CUA: Vasectomy (2016)
- CUA & AUA: Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (2021 CUA & 2020 AUA)
- CUA & AUA: Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (2021 CUA & 2024 AUA)
- Cancer Care Ontario: MRI in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis (2017)
- Candiduria
- Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer
- Chapters
- Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome & Prostatitis
- Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome & Prostatitis, Orchitis, & Epididymitis
- Clinical tools
- Contribute
- Cystectomy
- Diagnosis and Evaluation of Adrenal Mass
- Disorders of Ejaculation and Orgasm
- Disorders of Sexual Differentiation
- EAU & ASCO: Penile Cancer 2023
- Epidemiology and Etiology
- Epididymis and Vas Deferens
- Evaluation and Management of Erectile Dysfunction
- Exam Prep
- External Genital Anomalies in Boys
- Female Pelvis
- Female Urethral Diverticulae
- For Patients & Families
- Fournier's Gangrene
- Functional: Aging and Geriatric Urology
- Functional: Female SUI
- Functional: Mesh Complications
- Functional: Neural Control of Storage and Voiding
- Functional: Neuromodulation
- Functional: Nocturia
- Functional: Overactive Bladder
- Functional: Pathophysiology and Classification of LUT Dysfunction
- Functional: Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Functional: Pharmacological Management of LUTS
- Functional: Slings for Female SUI
- Functional: Surgery for Male SUI
- Functional: Urinary Fistulae
- Functional: Urinary Incontinence
- Functional: Urodynamics
- Functional Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
- Genitourinary Complications of Metabolic Syndrome
- Germ Cell Tumours
- Guidelines
- Hormonal Therapy
- Hypercortisolism
- Infections: Antibiotics
- Infections: Clostridium Difficile Infection
- Infections: Orchitis, & Epididymitis
- Infertility: Diagnosis and Evaluation
- Infertility: Epidemiology and Etiology
- Infertility: Management
- Infertility: Nonsurgical Management
- Inguinal Node Dissection
- Intestinal Segments and Urinary Diversion
- Kidney Cancer: Diagnosis and Evaluation
- Kidney Cancer: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
- Kidney Cancer: Pathology
- Kidney Cancer: Pathology and Familial Syndromes
- Kidney Cancer: TNM Staging
- Kidneys
- Landmark studies
- Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy
- Lower Urinary Tract Trauma
- Lynch syndrome
- Main Page
- Male Pelvis
- Male Reproductive Physiology
- Management of Localized Prostate Cancer
- Management of Localized and Locally Advanced Disease
- Management of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Management of Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction
- Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer
- Metastatic Kidney Cancer
- Microscopic Hematuria (2020 AUA Guidelines)
- Microscopic Hematuria (2025)
- Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
- Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (2017)
- Nephroureterectomy
- Neurogenic LUT Dysfunction
- Non-Germ Cell Tumours & Tumours of the Testicular Adnexa
- Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
- Non-RCC Renal Malignancies
- Non-Urothelial Bladder Cancer
- Normal Erectile Physiology
- Open Kidney Surgery
- Open Radical Prostatectomy
- Orchiectomy
- Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
- Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction
- Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract Obstruction
- Pediatrics: Anomalies of the Kidneys
- Pediatrics: Bladder Anomalies
- Pediatrics: Ectopic ureter, Ureterocele, and Ureteral Anomalies
- Pediatrics: Functional Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
- Pediatrics: Neuromuscular Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
- Pediatrics: Posterior Urethral Valves & Other Urethral Anomalies
- Pediatrics: Prune-Belly Syndrome
- Pediatrics: Renal and Adrenal Oncology
- Pediatrics: Surgery of the Ureter
- Pediatrics: UPJO & Megaureter
- Pediatrics: Vesicoureteral Reflux
- Penile Cancer: Benign & Premalignant Penile Tumors
- Penile Cancer: Non-squamous Penile Cancer
- Penile Cancer: Squamous Penile Cancer
- Penile Prosthesis
- Penis
- Penis and Urethra Surgery
- Peyronie's Disease
- Peyronie's Disease (2015)
- Priapism
- Prostate
- Prostate: Transrectal Ultrasound
- Prostate Biopsy
- Prostate Cancer: Blood, Urine and Tissue-based markers
- Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and evaluation
- Prostate Cancer: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
- Prostate Cancer: Management of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Prostate Cancer: PSA and Other Markers
- Prostate Cancer: Pathology and TNM Staging
- Prostate Cancer: Prevention
- Prostate Cancer: Screening
- Radiotherapy
- Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
- Renal Hypertension
- Renal Mass and Localized Renal Cancer (2021)
- Renal Transplant
- Renal and Adrenal Oncology
- Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
- Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
- Retroperitoneum
- Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
- Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
- Robotic Radical Nephrectomy
- Scrotum & Spermatic Cord
- Segemental ureterectomy
- Seminal Vesicles and Ejaculatory Ducts
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Spermatogenesis
- Stones: Approach to Surgical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
- Stones: Diagnosis and Evaluation
- Stones: Diet and Pharmacologic Management
- Stones: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
- Stones: Evaluation and Medical Management
- Stones: Lower Urinary Tract Calculi
- Stones: Surgical Modalities for Management of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
- Stones: Treatment Selection for Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
- Stones During Pregnancy
- Surgery of Erectile Dysfunction
- Surgery of the Adrenals
- Suture Materials
- Testicle
- Testosterone Deficiency (2018)
- Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour
- Undescended Testicle
- Unresectable Locally Advanced and Metastatic Bladder Cancer
- Upper Urinary Tract Trauma
- Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Cancer
- Ureteric Stricture Disease
- Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
- Ureters
- Urethra
- Urethral Tumours
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Urothelial Cancer of the Prostate
- Varicocele
- Videos